Shredded Chicken with Golden Soup

Shredded Chicken with Golden Soup

Shredded chicken slices soaked in the Chef's Own®Golden Spicy Sour Soup Base, this is a spicy and sour appetizer. It is high in protein and low in fat.

What You'll Need

Amount Ingredients
160g Chicken breast
16g Water
50g Chef's Own®Golden Spicy Sour Soup Base
2g Chef's Own®Chicken Powder Seasoning
7.5g Original Marinade 
20g Black fungus
30g Enoki mushrooms
Sprinkle Sesame oil
Sprinkle Salt
​Sprinkle Millet pepper&Pepper
Sprinkle Coriander


  1. Marinate 160g of chicken breast with 16g of water and 7.5g of  Original Marinade for more than three hours. Then cook it in water and shred it.

  2. Mix the prepared shredded chicken, enoki mushroom, black fungus, salt, pepper, sesame oil, millet pepper and 2g of  Chef's Own®Chicken Powder Seasoning in a container.

  3. Take a new plate. Add 50g of  Chef's Own™ Golden Spicy Sour Soup Base as the base. Then add the shredded chicken.

  4. Sprinkle some coriander on the shredded chicken for adornment.